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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Building Traffic

It is true for any web or Blog site builder to encounter many hurdles before putting up a decent Blog or Website which draws a decent amount of traffic to it. There are several unique methods for attracting traffic to your website. The hard way is by sending out emails, and posting links, a start to building a network of friends and people to visit your site. This not only takes a lot of conscientious effort and time but also a frustrating experience.

Community and Social bookmark & networking sites also play a vital role in establishing a flow of traffic to your site in addition to Hubpages. Posting links in del.ic.ious, digg, & reddit.

After joining some of these I experienced a significant difference in my traffic statistics.


Get ready to take your earnings to a new level...
If you can get traffic, the money will come too!
In this new report, I reveal the strategies of getting web traffic to your site, including...
Getting listed on Google (very important!)
Getting listed on Yahoo
Using "Gateway pages"
Swapping links the right way
Getting traffic from blogs & forums
Getting traffic from articles
Using newsletters
Getting traffic from MySpace
Commercial link exchanges
Viral marketing techniques
Getting traffic from offline sources
And more!!!